The Legal Aid Society
Redefining justice in NYC with The Legal Aid Society.
For over 145 years, America’s largest social justice law firm, The Legal Aid Society has fought for racial justice in courts and communities—representing children and youth in family court, providing appellate and educational advocacy, assisting with divorce and domestic violence cases, and pursuing system-wide reform.
Our campaign aims to take their mission a step further with a clear, ambitious goal: to make justice feel accessible and actionable across every borough.
What we did
- Campaign Strategy
- Media Planning
- Social Channel Strategy
- Survey Testing
- Art Direction
- Copywriting
- Campaign Production
- Analysis & Reporting
A 360° campaign to support New York’s most vulnerable communities.
Despite The Legal Aid Society’s long-standing efforts, New York’s most vulnerable communities remain unaware of other existing vital services—outside of 911—created to help them feel safer right in their own neighborhoods.
58% of police encounters with low-income Black and Latinx residents left them feeling unsafe.
Sources: Vital City, Community Service Society
Last year, 1,966 teens were sent to juvenile detention in New York.
Find youth mentorship, tutoring, and arts programs in your community. our impact with data-backed, targeted community advocacy.
It was vital for the campaign to present resources and aid in the areas where New Yorkers needed them most. To achieve this, we pinpointed over-policed and underserved communities by analyzing NYPD arrest data and cross-checking it with our campaign’s service locations to identify the most affected areas.
We then fine-tuned our creative through monadic testing involving 1,000+ respondents across those same areas. The results aided our goal to craft effective, culturally relevant messaging aiming to rally our audience around a new vision for justice and safety.
Crafting NYC-proof creative
Our team focused on evolving The Legal Aid Society’s brand elements to grab busy New Yorkers’ attention and make our message stand out in a sea of ad space.
Large, bold type in a distinct neon green paired with resonant imagery to stop the city in its tracks, whether on the subway or the street.
We’re determined to put valuable resources in the hands of New Yorkers. Guided by this north star, we rolled out ‘Do NYC Justice’, a 360° campaign scaled to reach audiences across boroughs and digital.
Each placement featured QR codes driving to a landing page with community resources for housing, mental health support, employment tools, violence prevention, and more. These are resources New Yorkers can turn to in their own neighborhoods. Our goal was to provide them with resources they can use as readily as they would use 911.
Reflecting on our efforts.
“With this campaign, we made another investment in our bold vision for the future of this city, one where community resources - not arrests - live at the center of how New Yorkers think of justice.”
Alberto Morales,
Director of Digital Content & Engagement, The Legal Aid Society
Targeted efforts to make an impact fit for NYC
Our "Do NYC Justice" campaign did more than make noise—it drove action across the city. By targeting key areas, we expanded our outreach with low costs and efficiently achieved a greater impact.
Total Impressions5x
Clicks YoY*80%
Reduction inCost-Per-Click YoY*